Biyernes, Enero 6, 2012


Netiquette (short for "network etiquette" or "Internet etiquette") is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, ranging from Usenet and mailing lists to blogs and forums. These rules were described in IETF RFC 1855.[1] However, like many Internet phenomena, the concept and its application remain in a state of flux, and vary from community to community. The points most strongly emphasized about USENET netiquette often include using simple electronic signatures, and avoiding multiposting, cross-postingoff-topic posting, hijacking a discussion thread, and other techniques used to minimize the effort required to read a post or a thread. Netiquette guidelines posted by IBM for employees utilizing Second Life in an official capacity, however, focus on basic professionalism, amiable work environment, and protecting IBM's intellectual property

1 komento:

  1. Thanks for sharing a definition of netiquette. It raises the awareness of users about practicing good etiquette online, making the cyberspace a better place.
